Content Guidelines
Our goal is to provide users with information written by travelers like you, creating a positive, helpful community that inspires others to travel. While we encourage user reviews for personal, first-hand information, please refer to all business accessibility guides for the most updated information and specific rules at each site. We value the safety, respect, and privacy of our contributors. Below are guidelines for written and visual content:
Relevance: Reviews should be relevant to the travel site. Anything promoting an individual’s preference on politics, religion, ethics or large social issues that are not related to travel will be removed.
First-Hand Experiences: Content should be personal, first-hand experiences, accurate (unexaggerated), and informative. Content should be timely. We recommend content that reflects recent experience of the business.
Guest Reviews: We reserve the right to remove anonymous reviews that are deemed disruptive to the community. We encourage contributors to participate in the community by creating a profile.
Inappropriate Content: Personal insults, threats, harassment or derogatory comments including hate speech or bigotry are not appropriate on this site and will be removed. Violent or sexually explicit content is not allowed and will be removed. Content promoting an illegal or criminal activity will not be published and we reserve the right to report to authorities. Profane and vulgar language that may be offensive will be removed.
Conflicts of Interest & Promotional Content: Content should be unbiased and objective. Do not write reviews for your own business, or that of an employer, friend, family. Similarly, content written by direct competitors will be considered biased. Promotional material, advertisements, and solicitations should be coordinated through an official advertising plan.
Privacy: Content using a person’s intellectual property (personal identifiable information or photos/videos of faces) should not be published.
Intellectual Property: Content should be original, and not plagiarized from other sites or users.
If you have any questions about these content guidelines, please contact us.